80% of Manufacturers are being overcharged for electricity or utility usage.
We have partnered with NASC to grant FREE access for a unique service (forensic utility bill auditing) to small businesses who might not be able to afford it otherwise and likely will benefit the most. In addition to this value, any audit/investigation benefits from 3 major factors:
- No Effort – After submitting information below, there is no further effort required (really!).
- No Risk – All audits are completed by NASC on a contigency basis – no refund, no payment.
- Maximum Reward – In addition to your refund, 100% of savings maintained going forward.
You wouldn’t stand to pay any other supplier for materials or services that weren’t actually delivered. Why should your electricity usage be any different? Energy suppliers make the same mistakes as all other raw material suppliers. Documentation, incorrect charges, typos, quantity discrepancies, etc… However, most companies find it almost impossible to accurately monitor and verify usage charges due to complex billing and documentation practices.
This service is possible with over 28 years of experience, expertise, and proprietary software to verify the accuracy and legitimacy of all utility charges up to 4 years prior. These complicated and intensive audits take time – approximately 1 week to complete. This niche service could easily cost $2,000 – $5,000 or more – yet it is being offered here AT NO CHARGE.
Why? Because the auditors are so confident that their analysis will identify any discrepancy – even when reviewing utility records previously “audited” by other service companies – that we want this service to be accessible to all organizations.
How much would you pay to know you are not part of the 80% of manufacturers being overcharged every month?
To start the process, please sign the agreement below and provide a full copy of one month’s invoice for all of your electricity & utility bills. Please send all pages, even if they are intentionally ‘left blank’ by the utility company. A typical audit can be completed in 1 week. We will review the information and advise on your eligibility.
Please submit all information below.
- Energy Checkup Program Agreement
- Copy of all electricity & utility bills for 1 Month